between operators and supply chains in the real estate and contract world.
On October 6th, the new edition of NAI/22 promoted and organized by reFRAME Magazine will be held in Milan’s City Life. This is now a regular appointment with operators in the Real Estate, Finance and Contract sectors.
The event is organized in partnership with #SonaeSierraItaly and under the Patronage of #Cncc.
Following the success of last year’s NAI/21 edition, the Event aims to bring together key industry players not only to present each other with their innovative projects but also to encourage the setting of concrete plans for collaboration, stimulating the activation of working tables and thematic workshops. What will happen will be a meeting place for businesses and professionals looking for new ideas and new formulas to develop projects and activities useful to their core-business. The topics will be set taking into account new industry needs, new demand paradigms and also from digital technologies of the metaverse and blockchain transactions of real estate. Sustainability and the environment will be given ample space as the -New Era of Real Estate- cannot ignore them, as well as the well-being of individuals, and the quality of new lifestyles and social habits. Planners, architects, designers, creatives, sociologists, psychologists and visionary intellectuals will work on thematic workshops to better understand how to optimize or change direction to the rails of future Real Estate. Builders, developers, and urban-territorial redevelopers will confront each other to chart new construction, housing, business, and retail models. Researchers and universities will share their know-how to interpret future phenomena and give operational models for action and reference.
Private individuals and public administrators alongside a mutual confrontation of integration and social inclusion. Financial and Insurance groups to define new asset class concpet and ongoing transformations about the investment integration between securities/real estate. Many leading players will contribute to enrich the event with their content and projects, including the Association of the Real Estate World, Cobaty International with more than 50 affiliated companies and then Gabetti Lab, Upa Italia, Simone Micheli Studio, Rezina, Ceramica Fondovalle, Politecnico di Milano, etc. Participants are still in progress and will be many, to provide as broad a cross-section as ever of the various real estate sectors and industries.
To book your participation just write to info@reframedigital, and put in the subject line the string > NAI/22 participation, indicating in the email the role of auditor or active partner.
We look forward to seeing you there.